Saturday, July 8, 2017

#ScoobyGang Chronicles: Exciting news about the blog

Just wanted to update everyone on some exciting new developments coming to the blog.

The most important bit of news is about the Bogwench and her Ship of Fools. Looking through the old spyglass, I can report that she looks badly damaged: taking on water and listing to starboard. There's some signs of panic among the crew and I think she will soon slip beneath the waves to her final resting place in Davy Jones' locker, never to trouble the fair shores of Twitter again.

No one will be happier to see her go than yours truly. If you think you are tired of reading the Captain's dispatches on the #ScoobyGang, you cannot imagine how tired I am of writing them. This was never a fight the Captain sought. I look forward to turning my attention to the infinitely more important problem of Donald Trump and helping to stop him from irreparably damaging our country and our children's future. Some of you seem to have trouble fitting the puzzle together, but for me, this has always been about that. The Bogwench and her crew are damaging the battle against Trump and we need to clear the decks for the real action ahead.

As the Ship of Fools slips beneath the waves, I want to say something very important to you about how we deal with the survivors. One of the most heartbreaking things over the past few months has been reading the timelines of some of the people whom Louise has deceived. Every day, I see folks that I would absolutely love to get to know - they like the same stuff I do and we see eye-to-eye on tons of issues. They are good people who have been conned; their only crime is gullibility. We must welcome them back into our community, help them deal with what they have been through, and try to educate them to know better the next time.

On the other hand, there are some truly despicable people over there inside the Bogwench's little crew. We know who they are and part of the job of this blog over the next phase is to make sure that everyone else does too. Their roles in this episode should cling to these assholes for the rest of their lives; they are not fit for polite society. There are going to be lots of people scrambling for the lifeboats and many of the guilty who hid behind anonymity during this sorry escapade are going to try to slip away unnoticed like the cowards they are. Sadly, some of them will get away with it but the Captain and his crew know more than these dummies realize.

The Captain is a fair man and believes in redemption but a true act of redemption starts with an acknowledgement of the wrongs done. We aren't out for vengeance here; we are kick-starting the process for these people out of love. It won't seem like that to many of them at first, but they made their choices and they have to live with the consequences. That's how life is.

Upcoming #ScoobyGang Chronicles

The chapters previewed here are in no particular order; as always, events may cause some shuffling around of the release order.

Today's feature presentation: <title redacted>

This should be dropping around dinner time and there are going to be some Twits eating a cold dinner tonight. You can have my apology in advance. It's going to be the best one yet. It takes you through the story of a recent controversy that has been a big focus of Louise's gaslighting over the past week. Even though it is only one small episode in the larger story, it cuts right through to core of problem in a way that anyone can understand. Many of you good people are going to be shocked at the details.

"A Question of Credibility"

This may be the most valuable piece I ever write on this blog. It's been in the works for more than a week. This was originally supposed to be the first entry published after the Introduction. It is almost devoid of #ScoobyGang related content. Instead, it's a discussion of how and why people are vulnerable to this kind of disinformation and what we (each and every one of us) can do to make ourselves less vulnerable to those who would exploit our trust for their own purposes.

"Let's meet the ringleaders!"

A closer look at Louise, John, Claude, and their little group of nuisance makers. We'll be looking at the real villains here and there are some fun surprises in store for everyone.

"She would have gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling kids..."

A little more detail on how exactly Louise put this together, how it all worked in practice, and some fun discussion about who was behind it and what the goals were. Some rampant speculation mixed with true facts. The Captain enjoys conspiracy theories too; he just doesn't think lying about them is cool.

New Blog Features

In addition to the upcoming #ScoobyGang chronicles in the pipeline described in the previous section, we'll be adding some other resources to the blog. This are going to go up as very rough stubs with minimal content at first and then will be updated with addition information. We are also pleased to announce that there will be some guest writers joining the Captain on the staff. There is no intention of making this a group blog, but there's still a lot to be covered here as we wind up the #ScoobyGang saga and honestly, I could use some help.

Dramatis Personae

This is going to a very educational page for many of you. Everyone knows Louise Mensch, Claude Taylor, and John Schindler but even many of the hardcore acolytes don't seem to know the whole cast of characters involved. "You can't follow the game without knowing the players," as my old man used to say. I think everyone is going to learn something.

Online media resources

As you all know by now, I am partial to letting you do your own work rather than spoon-feeding it to you. However, I think creating a nice little reference section with links to some of the better articles that have appeared over the last few months in the "real" media would be useful. For one thing, you'll be able to extract yourself from many a tedious argument on Twitter by just shooting out the link. You can thank me later. Remember: persuasion works best if you gently guide someone towards finding the answer themselves rather than just fighting with them.

Twitter resources

There have been an enormous amount of great threads produced by many people on Twitter over the past couple of months. Some of these people were friends of the Captain, some became friends because of their insights, and some are still unknown to me but I admire their work from afar. I may make it seem like I am sailing alone on the seas, but I have been but one (loud!) person among the many who saw through the #ScoobyGang and tried to raise the alarm. This page will be slow to develop because I am not putting anything up here without the permission of the authors. It's a shame it has to be that way but that's the environment Louise has created by attempting to bully her critics into silence.

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